The best way to get rid of chest wrinkles is to directly address their cause. According to Dr. Rachel Nazarian, two things primarily cause chest wrinkles: loss of skin volume and frequent bending or folding of the skin. When we stand, gravity pulls the breasts downward. On the other hand, when we sleep on our side, gravity acts from the side, pushing the breasts together, causing wrinkles from the chest upwards to the neck. If you are under 30 or have smaller breasts, the wrinkles may disappear after waking up. However, over time, they can become deeper and more visible.
However, it is not necessary to learn to sleep on your back to prevent chest wrinkles. Instead, use a bra pillow, which is placed between the breasts. This pillow gently holds them in place and prevents the formation of wrinkles during sleep. The Sleep BRA is made from natural, breathable materials that wick away sweat and ensure fresh air around the skin for your maximum comfort.